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Cheese, Manners, and Hospitality
Yup, You Read That Right

By Tami Lancut Leibovitz
May 26th, 2014

In preparation for the upcoming Shavuot holiday, many readers inquired as to any special rules one should follow when hosting the event at their house. In the following blog post, I’ve grouped together a couple of guidelines to help you host this wonderful holiday.

Cheese has played a central role in Western culture for hundreds of years, and as such many cheese products are considered exotic and luxurious food items. Throughout the years, a method has been developed to combine the right cheese with the right wine. During these past few years, it has become very fashionable to host “wine and cheese” dinner parties.

These days, the cheese selection is extremely varied and robust. We have the option of choosing from many different kinds of cheese, each with its own unique texture and taste. You might sort your cheeses by hardness, aging length, country of origin, and more. There are also soft cheeses, which do not take long to prepare and do not go through an aging process. These types of cheese are usually eaten with their skin (if applicable), and can also be spread on bread - they include Mascarpone, Ricotta, White Cheese, Cottage Cheese, and more.
In contrast, there are hard cheeses which do go through an aging process - these include Gouda, Parmesan, Cheddar, Kashkaval, and more.

A Few Tips For Hosting A Wine And Cheese Event

Useful Tips if You’re Invited to a Wine and Cheese Dinner Party