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Dress Code - Self-image and Image?
by: Tami Lancut Leibovitz

Self-image is the cognitive construct by means of which a person sees himself or herself. Self-awareness is influenced by verbal and non-verbal messages that have been conveyed to us regarding our aptitude, our innate potential and learning ability to realize it.

This varies in relation to inner changes and the messages we absorb from our surroundings. Our self-image influences everything we do, say and think, but it is also mutually influenced by them. That is to say, we have the possibility to remold and change it. Image is the prism through which a person is viewed by his or her surroundings and this determines how we are treated. If each of us has an "inner ego" and an "outer ego", then the image is the "outer ego" which a person reveals to his surroundings. We choose which message to transmit by our body language, style of speech, voice and the way we dress.

Our image must match our personality and our lifestyle so that it becomes our second nature. A false image will not stand the test of time, even if it is accompanied by all the required external characteristics. Remember: our first impressions have far reaching consequences and once they are formed, they are very difficult to alter.

Creating a positive image undoubtedly paves the way to success and helps to realize it. Clearly, we should create it from the first moment we make contact with our surroundings. A positive image is expressed by a firm presence, confident and uninhibited body language and by transmitting a message of overriding credibility. On the other hand, image is a personal matter and depends on circumstances. Every person should transmit an image suited to his or her personality, conceptions, and goals. However, goals and sustained credibility are likely to change in relation to the situation. Often we behave so as to please our surroundings, though it is preferable to be aware that we are the best critics of our own conduct.

I.B.L. Code Tips:

For further information, please refer to our book "International Business Language".

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