Tami's Blog
<< Happy Birthday World Wide Web >>

Managing your image on the web: Create successful branding solutions online                                                                          Tami Lancut Leibovitz













Today, we are celebrating the 24th anniversary of the first website ever. The actual first website, created by Tim Berners-Lee that also invented the first ever web browser cannot be found on the web anymore, but that’s how it looked like:


 Now it’s hardly looks like a Word document, but it’s the beginning of times that changed our lives forever. It’s almost impossible to imagine our lives without the World Wide Web, it re-shaped society and the way humans and companies interact with one another. It also transformed our communication channels and options.

Most people often confuse “World Wide Web” and the “Internet”, a similar but two very different things. The internet is the actual mechanism of the system of networks, the platform for the communication. The World Wide Web is one of the services that exists on the networks and allows us to use web browsers and applications, an assortment of websites, each with its own address which called a domain.

When the World Wide Web became popular, companies and business entrepreneurs slowly moved to create their identity on the web. The web started as a place where people use avatars and never expose their identity. The social networks, led by Facebook, connected reality and technology even more and created a parallel universe between our reality and the online reality.

Nowadays, every business person or company has to have a web presence in order to be a competitive business, a web site and social media presence is a basic tool for success. More than that, our web presence is important and acute to our business survival and it is critical that what we demonstrate our abilities in a format that would transfer our personality, our values and our goals and reflect who we are in the business world – or in other words, our own personal brand.

Our image should be uniform across the board, the same rules for image in the real world, works symbiotically on the web. Let me walk you through the basic rules to create our image on the web in a way that will represent you best, because…

“You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression”:

You are your website and your website is you, it should be a direct channel of communication that serves you to develop more business opportunities, strengthen your brand and increase your financial gain.

If you are just starting your business and building your online presence and image, take into account the option of hiring a professional to consulate with about your site. If your site and networks are not up to par with your actual work and career, it can only hurt your business instead of doing just the opposite.

Today, 24 years after the first website ever launched, the web’s influence and business power is constantly growing and expending, join the web movement and gain superior momentum for your image, brand and business!

If you have any question about net etiquette, AKA “Netiquette” or any other etiquette issue, please feel free to visit the question section on my site and leave me one - http://bit.ly/AskTami or write me at tami@tll.co.il, I will be happy to help!

For more about social, political and business etiquette, please visit my website!

the web picture have been taken from : bit.ly/1gM0JC0