Tami's Blog
<< Useful etiquette conference tips >>

Your next convention and conference.

Tami Lancut Leibovitz

Conventions and conferences are always a great idea for networking, learning and meeting with new colleagues. The options for conventions are endless – there’s local and international conferences and conventions all over the world, in any subject, industry or field you can imagine. I am writing you today from the AICI Global convention in Washington DC, it’s amazing to be here and share the world of etiquette with my colleagues as well as veteran and new friends. On my visit, I was reflecting on how the world of conventions and conferences have changed tremendously with the transformation of technology. The convention world has gone digital! There’s special applications for navigation and meetups, for the event details and schedule, and so much more – all to increase the social and comfort aspect of the event.

Through my visit, I was inspired to share my tips and thoughts on etiquette in conventions, enjoy and use wisely

For the ones attending:

For the one speaking in a convention:

I sincerely believe those tips are a great guide to open convention season – please feel free to write me for any business etiquette question or any other etiquette question, on my site at http://bit.ly/AskTami,

Also, my blog also has plenty of articles on the subject of business etiquette, ones you might find helpful before and after a convention: http://bit.ly/TAMITLL