Tami's Blog
<< A survival guide to hosting a joyous holiday dinner >>

Tami Lancut Leibovitz


Rosh HaShana is just around the corner, only a few days away, the holiday that celebrates the beginning of the Jewish New Year! It’s a holiday known for family time and extravagant dinners, meant to celebrate a new fresh start to the year with new blessings!

Extended family and friends events are extremely popular on Rosh HaShana and if you are the one hosting the party, you know the pressure in ON!

Here’s a collection of helpful etiquette tips to survive a holiday dinner and even…ENJOY it:

For both hosts and guests – I wish you a wonderful new year, filled with joy and love!

As part of my etiquette vision and my TLL workshops I love discussing table manners and holiday etiquette! Please feel free to visit my site and ask me anything regarding table etiquette on the “Ask Tami” section on my site – http://bit.ly/AskTami or contact me at Tami@tll.co.il for more information!

Shana Tova!