Happy Valetin's Day

13.02.2016 / 18:36:19

Love is in the air: get the facts this Valentine day!

Tami Lancut Leibovitz

The origin of Valentine day has a mysterious background. Many claim Hallmark, The known American greeting card company, is the mind behind valentine day. Seems that is common knowledge that Hallmark invented the holiday with a clear intent of selling more greeting cards and romantic gifts.

“Hallmark Holiday” is the term used for Valentine day and other “man-made” holidays in the United States such as “Sweetest day” – another version of Valentine day, celebrated in the Midwest and “Grandparents day”, celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day.

I gathered a few more fun facts and loving advice to keep in mind this holiday:

  • Every year in the United States, 850 Million greeting cards are sold. Do not be the one to forget – mark the date or set an alarm if you need, but a bought-store card is not a must. A nice picture of you two with a loving message in your partner lunch bag or a love note on the fridge can make all the difference.
  • February 14 is the date of birds choosing their mates, many believe that’s the reason we tend to become human love birds on Valentine day! If your partner is an animal lover, buying actual love birds or colorful couple of parrots is a sweet way to send a message of nesting.
  • Red roses are always a classic and a symbol of romance but no day beats valentine day when it comes to those beautiful red flowers – red roses sales go up to about 65 million a day every February 14th! If you want to be creative, send tulips or a lush planet. The best thing to do is do a bit of spy work to check what are your mate favorite flowers, there is nothing better than personal attention and a personal touch on a classic gift, it will mean much more than the ordinary rose bouquet.
  • The lucky lovers might have to hit the gym after February 14h, media reports the overall candy sales for a single day only in the Unites States is at 600 Million dollars! Making a dessert or heart shaped cookies is also a great way to celebrate, the thought and the time you put into baking and crafting will be noticed by your partner.

Happy Valentine day!