Halloween Etiquette

30.10.2017 / 11:24:45

Trick or treat it right!

Tami Lancut Leibovitz

Halloween wild holiday – love it or hate it, dress up as a witch or as a clown – but never give up your basic manners, as a trick or treater or as a host in your home.

I gathered a few quick pointers to help you get ready to hand out candy this holiday: ready, set, Boo!

  • Timing and stock: Most people start around 5pm and end around 9pm, that means you should be prepared with plenty of candy to go around – do not let yourself get stuck with no enough candies – but if you do, feel free to leave a big note on the door claiming:” Out of Business and out of candy!” to avoid getting disappointed visitors.
  • Proper hand-out and hand hygiene: It’s okay to hand out one piece of candy for each kid, no one needs to get bankrupt with candy shopping! But, try not to let the kids touch the candy, it can spread viruses and create confusion and even a mess sometimes.
  • Safety: Try to avoid home-baked foods, unless you know your community and it’s small enough to be known and acceptable around the neighborhood – some families have staple cookies or cakes they have been giving out for years but some parents worry about safety and they will toss it away. Best to choose wrapped candy to avoid hazards and liability issues.
  • Attitude: If you hand out candy – you better get in the mood of! Wear a hat, wear your best smile, and offer fun comments about the kid’s costumes and make-up. In other words: Get in the spirit!
  • Secure your home: Kids will be visiting your home, yard, garden so make sure there are nothing on the stairs, on the pavements and on the road to your house – remove bikes that are tossed around, make sure sprinklers are off, leave proper (or spooky lights) on etc.

Most importantly – enjoy this special holiday and the joy (and tooth aches!) it gives children in the community, and always… keep your good manners!

For more etiquette articles about holidays and cultural differences around the globe: http://www.tll.co.il/?lang=en