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 International Business Language Code - Methodology

Tami Lancut Leibovitz

In order to make a gradual and orderly entrance to the business playing field, I devised the International Business Language, level by level, in order to present matters methodically and clearly. It is worth emphasizing that the preparations for entering the race are not always simple.  Sometimes the self-scrutiny that this requires is difficult, but the method poses challenges, which must be confronted by those who wish to roam that world with full confidence, and make the acquaintance of colleagues with whom they can create new opportunities along the paths of the global village.

Thus The International Business Language brings you an eight tier method divided into chapters that are based on a simple equation: the acquisition of knowledge and skills – self- confidence - personal image managing and branding - business potency.  During my many years of work in the field of management and image-branding I became convinced that the formula, which connects knowledge and professional tools to self confidence and success, is foolproof. The aim of this book is to reveal the competitive business world with all its varied opportunities, obstacles and challenges.  It will help to strengthen your self-confidence that will be founded on knowledge, and on an awareness of both your advantages and your shortcomings. The book will be able to prepare you for events that will occur along your way so that you will be for ready for them to the best of your ability. It will sharpen your skills for marketing yourself and will increase your motivation to use them as much as possible; and all this while using the international business language that is familiar to the leading business communities in the world. And finally: Beyond all the information that this book conveys, the readers should always remember to use their common sense, to behave with flexibility and sensitivity out of an understanding of the goal.  Remember always who you are dealing with, what the situation is and how to obtain the best it has to offer, for yourself and for the organization in which you are operating.

The First Level, enables the reader to recognize the basic concepts of the code. Together we will learn to view the world as it is:  multi-cultural on the one hand yet with local customs on the other.  Very fast paced on the one hand compared to a culture of activity regulated by a slow-paced agenda on the other hand.  Culture shock often hits those who move and wander between diverse places and, principally, those who did not know or were not prepared for the fact that within our global village, that indeed speaks a common language, there are nevertheless diverse cultures with different behaviors and customs.  This first level also creates a bridge between the worlds and helps to analyze and breakdown “cultural intelligence” into useful tools and rules:  starting with the connection to the concept of time, on through the importance of outer appearance and concluding with the attitudes to sex and gender in the professional milieu.

The Second Level,  presents the wisdom of “networking” – the development of a network of business and social contacts, and aims to study the theory of networking in depth and to provide the tools for connecting and forming groups to people for whom this is not part of their survival instinct.  Nowadays, human networking is not limited to social qualifications but includes creative self-branding that is intended to afford the businessman confidence in his ability to compete, familiarity with the secrets of smalltalk and the rules of “mixing and mingling” and being technologically updated, affording him access to anyone he wishes regardless of where he is located in the world.

 The Third Level,  enables us to implement the aims we set ourselves in Chapter Two and provides tools and skills for verbal and non-verbal interpersonal communication.  We will decipher the messages encoded in body language and explain the importance of basic business routine, from the sense that we convey or receive from a handshake or the direction of a glance during conversation, through the power of a smile and to the significance of various body gestures.  The second part of the chapter refers to verbal communication and reviews the importance of voice and tone of speech, as well as the various techniques of conveying messages.  After becoming familiar with the basic concepts and understanding the foundation of up to date business (networking, what else?) and acquiring the international inter-personal communication tools, we will devote

The Fours Level, important additional layer that reminds us that the success or failure of a deal may depend on our outward appearance. We will remember that in a world where time is money and rating is what drives everything, there is enormous importance in what the people facing us see.  And, if you aren’t there physically, in person, remember: a picture is worth a thousand words. It is superfluous to overstate the necessity of paying attention to outward appearance, and all that it involves.  “The Code for Attractive and Presentational Appearance” affords the reader an indepth knowledge of the international “dress-code” that serves as part of the common language of business people all over the world.  This chapter provides tools for developing a personal style and for developing a unique image in the global business arena.

The Fifth Level, supplements the skills for operating in an enthralling world and brings to the post-post modern agenda an element that is drawn from human history: hospitality.  Entertaining in the office or after work hours was and remains the basis for connecting between people and is the key to successful business collaboration.  With its help one can create what is called “chemistry”, and its value cannot be measured in gold. Familiarity with the customs of formal and informal entertaining makes it possible to create the connection in the best way possible.  Thus, we can entertain our colleagues in a manner that will add pride and pleasure to all the parties and will let us know that we are able to visit any and every corner of the globe with confidence.

The Sixth Level,goes out into the field, and looks at daily business situations that the individual and the organization experience, and through the “protocol and business culture” provides the tools and the rules that will make the proceedings in the work place more pleasant and more efficient. Business and professional success are followed in their wake by the media – the seventh strength – and I will dedicate the next chapter,

The Seventh Level, the media is a super-powerful tool that can make or break the efforts of an organization to attain its goals.  We will learn how to use the various branches of the media; we will acquire the tools to control the messages transmitted and the active appearance before the different forms of media, including: television, radio, the written press, public relations campaigns on the internet, blogs and presentations before of an audience. The first seven chapters together create the international business language that comprises about 90% of the communication between business people in the global playing field. The last chapter,

The Eight Level,  is devoted to the remaining ten percent of this language and its aim is to offer an initial intimate acquaintance with the codes of local culture in various countries around the world.  This acquaintance will provide a competitive-edge to the readers of this book over their less informed colleagues.  Some of the countries that we will present are veteran players in the arena of global business and others have joined recently and are relatively new to the circle.  You are welcome to approach me via my internet site (www.iblcode.com) if you wish to suggest new countries for inclusion.  From time to time, I will publish updates to this chapter on the website.

Thus The International Business Language brings you an eight tier method divided into chapters that are based on a simple equation: the acquisition of knowledge and skills – self- confidence - personal image managing and branding - business potency.  During my many years of work in the field of management and image-branding I became convinced that the formula, which connects knowledge and professional tools to self confidence and success, is foolproof. The aim of this book is to reveal the competitive business world with all its varied opportunities, obstacles and challenges.  It will help to strengthen your self-confidence that will be founded on knowledge, and on an awareness of both your advantages and your shortcomings. The book will be able to prepare you for events that will occur along your way so that you will be for ready for them to the best of your ability. It will sharpen your skills for marketing yourself and will increase your motivation to use them as much as possible; and all this while using the international business language that is familiar to the leading business communities in the world. And finally: Beyond all the information that this book conveys, the readers should always remember to use their common sense, to behave with flexibility and sensitivity out of an understanding of the goal.  Remember always who you are dealing with, what the situation is and how to obtain the best it has to offer, for yourself and for the organization in which you are operating.


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